How can Social Security help me if I become disabled?
There are many different types of Social Security programs. Our firm focuses our work on two of them- Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
SSDI is a program based on the worker having earned a certain number of credits for the work they performed prior to becoming disabled.
SSI is a government assistance program based on need.
How soon can I apply for Social Security Disability benefits?
As soon as you become disabled. You have to be able to prove you will be disabled for at least 12 months; however, you do not have to wait until the 12 months have gone by before you file your application.
How does the application process work?
You file your application with supporting documents like medical records and reports, and the Social Security Administration considers your application and either approves or denies it. If you are turned down you can file for a "Reconsideration." If you are turned down a second time you can get a hearing before a judge- that's where we step in.
What can a lawyer do for me?
We can present your evidence and represent you at the hearing with the judge. We take these cases on "contingency," meaning with no fees up front from you. We get a small percentage of your back benefits if we win.
Attorney Joseph A. Weber personally attends your hearing with you. He has a high success rate at getting clients their benefits at the Hearing level. Joseph Weber has been an attorney in California since 1988 and always strives to render high quality services for reasonable fees. His office is centrally located in Costa Mesa near South Coast Plaza. Initial consultations are always free. To make an appointment and get your questions answered, the office number is 714/433-7185.